Wednesday, 11 September 2019


   The participants should register with the Librarian on or before 30th  September 2019.
   Review should be of 2 books essentially from the college library, that have been read by the student, only in English language.

   Books will be issued to the students for the duration of 2 months. (Please note after the due date fine will be charged on each issued book)
   Books can be fiction, non-fiction or general in nature but not textbooks.
   Each review should be of 800-1000 words & on the whole should not exceed 2000 words.

   The reviews should be typed and sent only by email latest by  30th  November  2019 to the following email address

   Participant shall note that the final book reviews submitted by them will be     checked on online software for any type of Plagiarism hence the review should  be original and not copied from any of the offline/online sources.

Book review should contain the following points:

·       Introductory paragraph - title, name of the author, genre, etc. Summary and evaluation.
·       The reasons as to why the book captured your heart.

The first Three Best Book Reviews will be awarded the following cash prize.
Ist Prize:      1000/-
IInd Prize:    750/-
IIIrd Prize:   500/-

Note: Separate prizes for Junior & Degree College Students.